how to stop drinking alcohol yourself

Probably everyone knows that alcohol consumption can develop into a persistent addiction. Even so, people who managed to completely give up alcohol and get rid of the habit at home, on the one hand, can be counted. The question is not just weak will, in many ways tolerance to alcohol is developed thanks to the opinion of others and established traditions. The alcohol consumption is terrifying: 18 liters of pure alcohol are consumed per person and year. During the twentieth century there was no more than 1 liter per person. It's no longer just about an addiction. The question of how to get rid of alcohol addiction is very acute.

Without asking global questions, we can consider the effects of alcohol on an individual family. If the husband prefers to drink, the children wear rags and the wife looks older than she is. In such families, scandals are the order of the day. It is easier to refuse a drinking family member to get rid of their neighborhood than to cure them. The question arises of how to get rid of alcohol addiction. Are there ways to help an alcoholic forget about addiction forever and give up alcohol in order to overcome the addiction at home on your own? There are ways and not even one.

How to get rid of alcoholism yourself

The problem is that not everyone is strong enough to forbid themselves to drink once and for all and to give up their addiction. If the question was, "How to stop drinking alcohol on your own", it means that the person is not hopeless, and you just need to help him find the right approach. First of all, you need to get rid of the company in which they often drink alcohol. If necessary, you can even move to another city and start a new life without alcohol.

The second step to stop drinking at home is to find people who have successfully dealt with alcohol addiction. It is necessary to communicate as much as possible with acquaintances who do not feel uncomfortable not to drink alcohol. They gave up alcohol forever and it only improved their lives. This type of therapy is intended to help the alcoholic give up the addiction and eliminate the effects of drinking.

Free time should be filled with a little hobby. It could be aquarium fish breeding, archery, skydiving, or any other hobby. The main thing is that the activity should be pleasant. Instead of the old addiction, a new bond should be formed in a person that will give real pleasure and help get rid of thoughts about alcohol.

Consequences of drinking

how to stop drinking
  • Medicine. The defeat of internal organs of varying severity: the liver, the central nervous system suffers. An increased risk of cardiovascular disease, tuberculosis and lung cancer, chronic bronchitis and other serious consequences for the body. The risk of giving birth to faulty offspring also increases.
  • Social. Increase in crime, disability, mortality and increased injuries.
  • Socio-economic. Decrease in labor productivity.

If you suddenly stop drinking

It is widespread that the consequences for health and the body can be very sad and even fatal if an alcoholic suddenly stops drinking. This is far from a myth as such data are confirmed by medical professionals. It is especially dangerous to suddenly stop drinking alcoholic beverages during a seizure. When an alcoholic is completely denied access to alcohol, serious complications can be expected.

The consequences of suddenly avoiding alcoholic beverages:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • excessive load on the heart;
  • expansion of the coronary vessels;
  • arrhythmia, heart attack, stroke;
  • alcoholic delirium;
  • internal bleeding and so on.

If you don't help the alcohol use right away, the person may even die. In order to avoid dire consequences for health and life, it is worthwhile to remove the body from the state of hard drinking not abruptly, but gradually, reducing the dose of alcoholic beverages to zero.

Ways to stop drinking at home

Ways to stop drinking alcohol yourself

Treatment is reduced in two ways: medical and the method of folk recipes. Both the first and second methods should be discussed with a narcologist. The specialist gives effective advice, taking into account the condition of the patient's body.

Therefore, the elimination of the addiction has no negative consequences for the patient's liver, kidneys and heart.

Folk recipes that will help you stop drinking forever


  1. St. John's wort boiling.Pour 4 tablespoons of chopped St. John's wort with 500 ml of boiling water. Do not heat the mixture in a water bath for more than 30 minutes. Drink the infusion twice a day for 2 weeks. The patient should develop an aversion to alcohol and stop drinking.
  2. Bearberry Broth.Pour 2 tablespoons of bearberry leaves with a glass of water and cook for 15 minutes. Drink a tablespoon of the broth 6 times a day, this should help end the addiction.
  3. Oat broth with marigold.Pour oats into a small saucepan up to about the middle of the container. Add water and boil over low heat for half an hour, drain. Pour 100 grams of marigold flowers into the broth and insist on staying warm for 12 hours. Filter, drink a glass three times a day. At the end of the treatment cycle, the patient should stop drinking alcohol.


  1. Requires laurel root and lovage. It is necessary to pour a glass of vodka on the crushed roots and leave for 2 weeks. The resulting mixture must be given to an alcoholic to drink, it causes profuse vomiting and aversion to alcohol.
  2. Pour chopped leaves of the European hoof with a glass of boiling water and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. About 100 ml of the tincture is mixed with the same amount of vodka and given to the patient in the morning and during lunch. They regularly get vodka to drink in the evenings. The remedy should cause severe vomiting, as a result of which the alcoholic will stop drinking.
  3. Mix a tablespoon of thyme, wormwood and centaury and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Insist in a warm place covered with a blanket for 2 hours. Strain the solution and give the alcoholic a tablespoon four times a day for two months.


  1. Grind 20 g each of yarrow, wormwood and mint. Add chopped juniper berries, marsh calamus and angelica root (10 grams each). Pour a tablespoon of the composition with a glass of boiling water. Insist and give them a drink.
  2. Take 20 grams of St. John's wort, yarrow and bitter wormwood. Take 10 grams of cumin and angelica, add 15 grams of mint and 5 grams of juniper. Grind everything. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and drink.

teas allow you to remove alcohol residues independently of the body and improve your well-being. You need to drink them as much as you can. Using several methods in combination, you can help a person and get good results in overcoming addiction at home. It is possible to defeat the home habit yourself to get rid of the problem completely! The patient's desire to stop drinking leads to a permanent result and allows you to overcome the cravings for alcohol forever.