How to convince a person to stop drinking

Living with an alcoholic is far from what girls dream of when they dream of their wedding day. It is difficult to imagine that someone would voluntarily want to live "happily to the end" with an alcoholic person, endure their aggression or complaints about life, clean up after them, take care of them, stand in front of neighbors, colleagues, friends and friends for their behaviorfeels outraged and ashamed of kinship. Unsurprisingly, an alcoholic's marriage breaks down when nothing can get him to overcome his desire to drink. However, there are courageous women who fight to the last for their family and take various measures against the drunk, the purpose of which is the same - so that the husband does not drink to prevent him from sustaining his life (both his own and that of his relatives)ruining with an addictionto intoxicated drinks.

Constructive dialog

The first thing you have to do is try to convince him. If the desire to drink is tied to problems outside of family - with work, career, friends, and if alcoholism hasn't gone too far, it can easily quit after receiving family support.

Constructive dialogue

You should only start a constructive dialogue after careful preparation and taking certain rules into account:

  • You cannot talk to a person until they are returned to an appropriate state and can understand reasonable arguments.
  • don't try to convince an alcoholic while experiencing the "joys" of a hangover;
  • trying to provoke pity or, on the contrary, scandals for a person who drinks (even in a sober state) is undesirable, most of the time attention is required;
  • You can threaten a drunk man, but it is important to prepare yourself for such threats to carry out.
  • Before starting a conversation, it is advisable to seek advice from a narcologist so that an alcoholic, if he has such a desire, can immediately go to the clinic for treatment.

If the woman manages to prove the drinking husband of the need to seek help, to convince him to at least try to change his life, that man has a chance. This can also be supported by creating a so-called “motivation list”. You can work together to find a number of reasons why getting rid of alcoholism is not only easy but also beneficial. For example:

  • to win the respect of your children;
  • to save a month on a major purchase or vacation trip;
  • to learn something new instead of getting drunk or to build a career.

Reasons for each person can be individual. You can motivate them to pursue a hobby such as exercising or playing around with a car in the garage. The main thing is that he devotes all his free time to this topic and does not drink or is not in bad company. You may need the help of a psychotherapist.

If the conviction remains unanswered

Conversations, convictions, pleadings - in most cases this is not enough to awaken one's conscience.It is undesirable to make scandals for a person who drinksVery rarely is it possible to prove to a drinker that their lifestyle is destructive, because even if they believe in it, their own strength may not be enough to fight alcohol addiction. Instead, the best remedy is traditional medicines and folk remedies.

Industrial pharmacology drugs are designed to induce a feeling of rejection of alcohol in a person who drinks. They can create an aversion to drinking, its appearance, taste, and smell. It is enough to mix a similar drug for an alcoholic, add it to food or drink, and if he additionally drinks vodka or even beer, he will immediately feel bad. Medicines with such an effect contain an active ingredient (or disulfiram or cyanamide) that disrupts the normal process of processing ethyl alcohol, provokes the accumulation of metabolic products in the blood, and as a result, provokes persistent symptoms of intoxication and hangover. And a person who got sick at least once after alcohol intoxication will have an aversion to alcohol for a long time. If you add a similar drug (Esperal tablets, Kolme drops and their analogues) to a drunk, you can make him think twice before taking another dose of alcohol.

Once the drugs are effective, another attempt can be made to get the alcoholic to seek treatment by describing the benefits of treatment in a drug treatment clinic:

  • constant monitoring of the state of health;
  • psychological support, especially important for preventing relapse;
  • qualified support in the restoration of internal organs that have been damaged by the abuse of ethyl alcohol.

Treatment in a hospital under the supervision of a narcologist is the best anti-alcohol therapy that practically does not fail.

Alternative medicine for binge drinking is even more brilliant at getting sick people to stop drinking. Traditional methods suggest preparing decoctions and infusions, which act in a similar way to official medicines. You speak of completely original means:

Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist
  • green bugs - you can throw 4 bugs in a glass of alcohol to cause an unpleasant smell and taste, and thus an aversion to alcohol itself.
  • pepper - you can convince a person to give up drinking with the help of a tincture (3 drops per 1 liter of alcohol) made from hot red pepper (crushed, 20 g), filled with alcohol (500 ml) and twoInfused for weeks.
  • Birch smoke - you can ask to breathe over smoking birch trunks and then offer alcohol. After that, you develop a strong aversion to products containing alcohol.

It is important to understand that treatment without the supervision of a specialist, even using traditional, albeit popular, methods, should be carried out with extreme caution, otherwise a person will not just have an aversion to drinking and a desire not todrinking more, but also has serious health problems.

The final phase of the fight

When all methods of fighting have been exhausted, there is only one last resort: to threaten the husband with goodbye if he does not stop drinking. At the same time, it's important for a drunk's wife:

  • be ready to run your threat without multiple warnings (1-2 times is sufficient);
  • to leave her husband seriously, not to arouse pity and let him ask for forgiveness;
  • promises, vows and tears not to believe;
  • get down to business hard and fast - if the apartment belongs to the drinking husband, you have to take your belongings out in his absence and go with your children for a while;
  • don't go back to the drunk until he actually proves he started receiving treatment.

You shouldn't go back to your alcoholic husband if the leaving and returning situation does not arise for the first time: sooner or later he will understand that his wife cannot leave him, no matter how drunk he is.

getting rid of alcohol in the house, not allowing drinking to occupy an important place in the party, "driving" unreliable friends out of the house. . . . All of this is much easier than later "poisoning" your spouse with agents that provoke an aversion to ethyl alcohol. A positive example is a good reason not to drink in the family.