Easy ways to stop drinking yourself

Alcohol addiction is a serious problem that cannot be ignored. Experts consider this bad habit to be a disease that requires medication and psychological help. It is impossible to do without it, especially in those cases when a person does not admit their problem and does not want to get rid of alcohol addiction themselves.

It is easier to help a person suffering from alcohol cravings when they are aware of all the harm that is being done to the body. At the same time everyone is looking to find the simplest and easiest way.

Common tactics in treating alcoholism

Woman drinks wine how to stop

All experts agree that getting rid of an addiction can be difficult. If the craving for alcoholic beverages bothers you for a long time, willpower alone is not enough. A person cannot just choose and stop drinking at one point. It is especially difficult for women to deal with addiction.

As a rule, it is not the addict himself who turns to the specialists, but his relatives or people close to them. Together with the doctor, a tactic is selected that will make it possible to carry out the treatment as soon as possible and partially restore the patient's health. Traditional therapy consists of four phases:

  • Use of drugs that cause alcohol aversion. These are the so-called aversive drugs, the effects of which are only noticeable when drinking alcohol. In this case, the person suffers from a lot of unpleasant symptoms - nausea, vomiting, tachycardia. Gradually, he begins to reduce the dose of alcohol to improve his health.
  • Taking medications that reduce alcohol cravings. These drugs are necessary in situations where a person has a strong desire to drink.
  • Hangover heals. The main negative effect on the body begins the moment ethanol enters a cycle of chemical reactions that lead to the formation of toxic substances - acetaldehyde and acetic acid. Because of this, a person needs to take drugs that accelerate their elimination from the body.
  • Concomitant medication. Usually the fight against alcoholism takes a long time, but it is much more effective when taking vitamins, glycine, and also safe medications with sedative effects.

Only comprehensive drug treatment will get rid of the bad habit as soon as possible. Despite the many positive reviews, none of the methods of alternative medicine does not guarantee a positive result.

Physical activity

Man drinking beer how to stop

If a person wants to stop drinking himself, an easy way is not only to voluntarily refuse alcohol, but also to adjust his lifestyle. This is especially important when a girl is suffering from a problem. In this case, the psychological aspect of the treatment should not be underestimated.

Experts therefore believe that a patient who chooses to abstain from alcohol should carefully rethink their daily routine. That is logical, because the desire to drink often arises in leisure time. It is best to dedicate these hours to an activity.

It will be useful to do any kind of sport. However, you need to understand that once you stop drinking, the body does not get in shape right away. A person will continue to be plagued by health problems for some time, so the choice of type of physical activity should be approached responsibly.

Experts believe that in the period of the struggle against alcoholism, it is useful to do yoga. This Indian practice includes not only physical exercises but also breathing exercises. It is good if your training includes elements of meditation. This has a positive effect on the willpower of a person who decides to get rid of the addiction.

If, despite the efforts made, it is impossible to get rid of the cravings for alcohol, then it is better not to risk home health, but to seek medical help.

The best aversive drugs

Dealing with alcohol addiction can be difficult, so consulting a specialist is the right decision. Only an experienced doctor can recommend certain drugs that, in a short period of time, will create a persistent aversion to alcohol in a person.

The vast majority of these drugs contain the substance disulfiram, a chemical compound that blocks the oxidation of ethanol to acetaldehyde. This component of the drug from the stomach and intestines passes through the bloodstream to the liver and works there. As a result, after taking drugs and alcohol, the following symptoms develop:

  • Nausea;
  • severe vomiting;
  • flushed face;
  • Warmth;
  • Tachycardia.

The body enters this state every time a person ingests even small doses of beverages containing ethyl alcohol, which makes aversive drugs considered very effective.

Any disulfiram-based medicine will help both women and men stop drinking. It is only important to correctly determine the dosage and duration of therapy. It should be noted that such drugs should be selected exclusively by a specialist.

Drugs for alcohol cravings

One of the cheapest drugs in this category is lozenges or drops for internal use. The drugs contain antibodies that ensure the desired effect.

Medications help manage addiction by reducing cravings for alcoholic beverages, but this isn't the only positive effect on the body. Antibodies in the composition of the drug are involved in metabolic processes, as a result of which a person gradually gets rid of addiction. In addition, medications help relieve hangover symptoms.

The drugs are prescribed to those who plan to stop using strong alcohol or to get rid of the habit of drinking "weak" or "medium" drinks. They have practically no contraindications and side effects are minimized.

Folk methods

Doctors believe that it is much easier for men to deal with addiction. Due to the high level of emotional instability, it is quite difficult for a woman to stop drinking on her own. In other words, the drinking girl has mood swings that can lead to breakdown.

In order to increase the chances of a successful fight against alcoholism, it is allowed to use the methods of alternative medicine, but it is better to discuss them with a specialist beforehand.

  • To reduce cravings for alcohol, it is useful to drink a decoction of St. John's wort and thyme. The herbs are mixed in equal proportions and poured boiling water over them. The product is heated for 20 minutes, filtered and drunk 300 ml daily.
  • Another popular method is to use hot milk with the addition of baking soda (10 g of sodium bicarbonate per 1 glass of liquid). The tool is poorly tolerated by alcohol, which leads to profuse vomiting and gradual rejection of alcohol. In addition, milk with soda serves as a good sorbent, which removes all toxic decomposition products of ethyl alcohol from the human body.

Passion for alcohol is a dangerous habit as it damages absolutely all organ systems. The easiest way is to solve the problem together with specialists from different profiles. To stop drinking alcohol, a woman needs the help of a psychologist, who will explain the need for therapy.

Additional measures will be sports, hobbies, walks, proper nutrition. It is really possible for a woman to stop drinking alcohol on her own who does not consider drinking alcohol to be the only pleasure in life. Sometimes a strong-willed effort is enough for men.