How Much Alcohol to Drink?

How much alcohol can you drink

British scientists trying to identify the risk group, which includes people who abuse alcohol, have come to a terrible conclusion. Men who drink eight servings a night (about one and a half liters of wine) and women who consume six servings (just over a liter of wine) of alcohol for a week may be classified as potential alcoholics. People who, by their own definition, believe that they drink a lot are also at risk. The definition of an alcohol measure, how to calculate your "critical dose" and which alcohol dose is already dangerous for the body is given below.

How to achieve a light drunkenness

A liver disease specialist claims that as people get older, they mistakenly believe that they know how to drink alcohol without harming their health. The liver doesn't immediately signal a malfunction, and an extra glass of wine after dinner can be fatal.

According to the respected doctor, addiction is a key problem for alcoholics. He advises avoiding the daily use of beverages to some extent, for example, for three days in a row not to drink them at all. After the body returns to its tone, it weans itself from the effects of alcohol. You do not need to use it in large quantities to feel a slight poisoning and have a relaxing effect.

getting drunk

The problem is that people often drink more than the body can accept without consequences. And they ask themselves the question: if I feel good after drinking half a bottle of wine one evening, why give up pleasure? This is not enough to get drunk, but harm to health it is. Few people know that such a dose includes five servings of alcohol, which significantly exceeds the daily norm not only for women, but also for men.

How much can a woman and a man


The physical parameters of the stronger and weaker sex differ in the recommended doses of alcohol consumption. Hence, there is a huge difference between the amount a man needs to drink to stay within the decency limit and the amount a woman needs to drink.

It is abuse for a woman to drink six or more servings of alcohol a day, for a man - eight. To determine how much alcohol you can drink, you also need to consider your health, height, weight, and age.

The number of servings of alcohol in popular beverages:

  • Beer: 0. 5 l. - about 3;
  • Wine 12%, 170 ml - 2, 1;
  • liqueur: 17%, 50 ml - 0. 9;
  • champagne: 12%, 17 ml - 2, 1;
  • Vodka: 37. 5%, 25 ml - 0. 9;
  • whiskey: 40%, 35 ml - 1, 4.

Alcohol tests for drivers

A driver is considered sober if the test shows no more than 0. 16 milligrams of alcohol per 1000 milliliters of air when exhaling. Any excess is recognized as alcohol intoxication. Many people are interested in the question: how much can you drink in order to be able to "cheat" the breathalyzer? Ideally not at all. A maximum of fifty milligrams of wine or 20 milligrams of champagne per hour, as such alcoholic beverages dissolve in the blood quite quickly. Strong drinks should not be consumed. It is also worth remembering that the concentration of alcohol in the blood depends on many factors: weight, time of ingestion, etc. Therefore, it is very difficult to accurately guess the allowable rate

Take a sober view of life and don't ignore the sense of proportion while enjoying your favorite alcoholic beverages.